Hey there,
I came up with the following solution for serving files just like a web-server would do with the help of LUA. The following frontend-config sets the HTTP-header X-LUA-LOADFILE-DOCROOT with a local directory path which serves as the document-root. Furthermore, it defines a lua-service called load-file. See:
lua-load /etc/haproxy/lua/load-file.lua
backend lua-load-file
http-request set-header X-LUA-LOADFILE-DOCROOT /etc/haproxy/docroot
http-request use-service lua.load-file
As you can see I load a lua-file called load-file.lua. The contents of that file are as follows:
core.register_service("load-file", "http", function(applet)
local docroot
local location
local file
local retval
local response
local extension
if(applet.path == nil or applet.headers["x-lua-loadfile-docroot"] == nil or applet.headers["x-lua-loadfile-docroot"][0] == "") then
retval = 500
response = "Internal Server Error"
docroot = applet.headers["x-lua-loadfile-docroot"][0]
location = applet.path
if(location == "" or location == "/") then
location = "/index.html"
file = io.open(docroot .. location, "r")
if(file == nil) then
retval = 404
response = "File Not Found"
retval = 200
response = file:read("*all")
extension = string.match(location, ".(%w+)$")
if extension == "css" then applet:add_header("content-type", "text/css")
elseif extension == "gif" then applet:add_header("content-type", "image/gif")
elseif extension == "htm" then applet:add_header("content-type", "text/html")
elseif extension == "html" then applet:add_header("content-type", "text/html")
elseif extension == "ico" then applet:add_header("content-type", "image/x-icon")
elseif extension == "jpg" then applet:add_header("content-type", "image/jpeg")
elseif extension == "jpeg" then applet:add_header("content-type", "image/jpeg")
elseif extension == "js" then applet:add_header("content-type", "application/javascript; charset=UTF-8")
elseif extension == "json" then applet:add_header("content-type", "application/json")
elseif extension == "mpeg" then applet:add_header("content-type", "video/mpeg")
elseif extension == "png" then applet:add_header("content-type", "image/png")
elseif extension == "txt" then applet:add_header("content-type", "text/plain")
elseif extension == "xml" then applet:add_header("content-type", "application/xml")
elseif extension == "zip" then applet:add_header("content-type", "application/zip")
if(response ~= nil and response ~= "") then
applet:add_header("content-length", string.len(response))
Basically, this code reads files from a specified document-root location in the filesystem based on the query string and generates appropriate HTTP-responses just as a normal webserver would do. That is why the script needs a document-root do be configured via the HTTP-header X-LUA-LOADFILE-DOCROOT . Furthermore, the code also does some very basic mimetype handling - extend the list according your needs. I hope someone finds this useful.