We are having one issue where we have few Clients having expired certs and not a feasible option to update the certs right away. Currently working on Config which will allow the clients even if the client has expired certs but at the same time, we need to validate the certs against our CA so that the one who has self-signed certs and not signed by our internal CA should not be able to connect. As per the below config, I am able to connect using the self-signed certs as well.
Can anyone please suggest. My current config is as follows:
listen wss-https
bind *:833 process 1
bind *:833 process 2
bind *:833 process 3
mode tcp
option tcplog
tcp-request inspect-delay 2s
tcp-request content accept if { req.ssl_hello_type 1 }
use_backend be_ssl_verify_cert_expired if { ssl_c_verify 10 }
use_backend be_ssl_verify_cert if { req.ssl_sni -m found }
default_backend be_ssl_noverify
backend be_ssl_verify_cert_expired
mode tcp
server fe_ssl_verify_cert send-proxy-v2
backend be_ssl_verify_cert
mode tcp
server fe_ssl_verify_cert send-proxy-v2
backend be_ssl_noverify
mode tcp
server fe_ssl_noverify_cert send-proxy-v2
Thank you very much for your response.
Basically, As per the original config in wss-https, I am not specifying the ssl section like “ssl crt /etc/cert/cert.pem verify required /etc/cert/ca-file /etc/cert/ca.crt accept-proxy” OR “ssl crt /etc/cert/cert.pem /etc/cert/ca-file /etc/cert/ca.crt verify optional crt-ignore-err all accept-proxy” and due to which we are able to forward the cert to “wss-https1” via “be_ssl_verify_cert/fe_ssl_verify_cert” and due to which only the certs which are signed by our internal CA are validated but not able to achieve/fetch validity of the certs.
But after configuring the ssl parameter in wss-https for eg “bind *:833 ssl crt /etc/cert/cert.pem /etc/cert/ca-file /etc/cert/ca.crt verify optional crt-ignore-err all accept-proxy process 1” The “{ ssl_c_used } { ssl_c_verify 10 }” works perfectly fine as expected where I am able to route the request to different backends depending on their validity but later on the SSL handshake doesn’t happen and I get “websocket_open failed, status=-33” error.
My new config are as follows:
listen wss-https
bind *:833 ssl crt /etc/cert/server-combined.pem crt /etc/cert/verizon-cert.pem ca-file /etc/cert/all-ca.crt verify optional crt-ignore-err all process 1
bind *:833 ssl crt /etc/cert/server-combined.pem crt /etc/cert/verizon-cert.pem ca-file /etc/cert/all-ca.crt verify optional crt-ignore-err all process 2
bind *:833 ssl crt /etc/cert/server-combined.pem crt /etc/cert/verizon-cert.pem ca-file /etc/cert/all-ca.crt verify optional crt-ignore-err all process 3
mode tcp
option tcplog
tcp-request inspect-delay 2s
tcp-request content accept if { req.ssl_hello_type 1 }
use_backend be_ssl_verify_cert_expired if { ssl_c_used } { ssl_c_verify 10 } { req.ssl_sni -m found }
use_backend be_ssl_verify_cert if { ssl_c_used } { ssl_c_verify 0 } { req.ssl_sni -m found }
default_backend be_ssl_noverify
backend be_ssl_verify_cert
mode tcp
server fe_ssl_verify_cert send-proxy-v2
backend be_ssl_noverify
mode tcp
server fe_ssl_noverify_cert send-proxy-v2
backend be_ssl_verify_cert_expired
mode tcp
server fe_ssl_verify_cert send-proxy-v2