Backend SSL usage, how?

So I’ve got working Haproxy servers, the boss wants me to make sure the back end is using SSL as well. So I’ve made sure the backend servers have domain signed certs, I have the CA pem file on my test hap server and my server directive like so:

server dc02 maxconn 100 check ssl fall 3 rise 1 inter 2s verify none check check-ssl ca-file /etc/ssl/private/hap/ca/domain-ca.pem

Thinking about how SSL works… I’m going to need the FQDN value in here for that server. So if I change it to this:

server dc02 maxconn 100 check ssl fall 3 rise 1 inter 2s verify none check check-ssl ca-file /etc/ssl/private/hap/ca/domain-ca.pem

Can anyone confirm this look ok?

So I had some help with part of this issue a few months ago. But now I’m being questioned about is that backend connection really using SSL. Apart from the configs showing port 636, and the presense of a valid domain-based CA I honestly don’t know how to prove this.

Ok well no help here.