Hello Everyone,
I am wondering if it’s possible to differentiate backend_use based on existence or absence of cookie in a sticky table.
Stickiness is implicit, from what I understand.
Can it be explicit ? Is there a fetch against sticky table, that can be used in ACL ?
What I’d like to do is allow access to other_backend server, based on cookie set by auth_backend server.
Basically stuff like this:
acl authorized hdr.cookie(appcookie) if my_cookies <--- this is my imagined code
use_backend redir if other_backend !authorized
use_backend other_backend if other_backend authorized
use_backend auth_backend if auth_backend
backend redir
redirect location https://auth_backend/login
backend auth_backend
stick-table type string size 1m expire 1d store gpc0
stick store-response res.cook(appcookie) table my_cookies
server auth xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx:80 check
backend other_backend
server other xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx:80 check
Or maybe some other approach ? I’d be very gratefull for acknowledging that’s doable or not and for some suggestion.
Thank you,