ERROR smtpserver: Socket to hostname (x.x.x.x) closed remotely. Connection reset

Haproxy smtpchk is flooding errors in smtpservers.log. The option “option smtpchk” in the (haproxy.cfg) SMTP backend is causing the below error at every check.

ERROR smtpserver: Socket to hostname (x.x.x.x) closed remotely. Connection reset
at java.base/ Source)
at java.base/ Source)
at java.base/ Source)
at java.base/ Source)
at org.apache.james.util.CRLFTerminatedReader.readLine(
at org.apache.james.smtpserver.SMTPHandler.readCommandLine(
at org.apache.james.smtpserver.SMTPHandler.handleConnection(
at org.apache.james.util.connection.ServerConnection$
at org.apache.excalibur.thread.impl.ExecutableRunnable.execute(

After removing the smtpchk then the error disappears. Any ideas? I have even tried setting the correct domain for SMTP in the option smtpchk on haproxy.config file but its not working.

@lukastribus Any help would be appreciated?

I’m not entirely sure but one of my customers was having the same problem so I suggested they can check the ports and they found it was due to the port.

A fix has been committed and the next release will contain it: