Generate random string of a specific length?

Is there an option to generate a random string of a specific length?

If you want something to uniquely identify requests, you should use uuid.

Otherwise you can generate random numbers with rand.

If you want a random string, you probably need to work with LUA.

Hi @lukastribus, you wrote work with Lua when need a random string.

I tried do that but without success. What I wanted to get is is 8-char length string returned into unique-id format HaProxy property.
unique-id-format %[lua.randomString(16)]

This is an example function that returns a string with the specified value:


local character_set = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"

local string_sub = string.sub

local math_random = math.random

local table_concat = table.concat

local character_set_amount = #character_set

local number_one = 1

local default_length = 10

local function generate_key(length)

    local random_string = {}

    for int = number_one, length or default_length do

        local random_number = math_random(number_one, character_set_amount)

        local character = string_sub(character_set, random_number, random_number)

        random_string[#random_string + number_one] = character


    return table_concat(random_string)


core.register_action('randomString', generate_key)

This function is working in local ula environment and returning a proper string.

The issue is when I load this lua file into HaProxy:

lua-load /etc/haproxy/hello.lua

then this statement
unique-id-format %[lua.randomString(16)]
is return nothing.

I have tried to register lua function for all contexts (task, action, fetch, converter) but without the expected result.

I will be very grateful if you leave any comment helping me achieve my goal.
Or maybe @f1outsourcing , you have resolved your case and want to share working solution?
