HAProxy Dynamic Kubernetes Frontend pattern matching

Is it possible in HAProxy to match a backend that is being dynamically created with the dataplane consul integration?

In this case I would like to match dynamically

frontend hap
  mode http
  # URL Pattern should be K8S_Namespace/K8S_Service
  acl PATH_srvc path_beg -i /dev/another-nginx-service-nodeport
  # What is desired is to use the backend with wildcards for namespace and service
  # use backend *-K8S_Service-K8S_Namespace
  use_backend consul-backend- if PATH_srvc

backend consul-backend-
backend consul-backend-
backend consul-backend-
backend consul-backend-
backend consul-backend-

What I would like to do is match based simply on the namespace, in this case namespace: dev and service name: another-nginx-service-nodeport.

The consul-backend-ip-port part of the service is not of interest. I am new to HAProxy but I was not able to find something like this in the documentation… I found some hints, but in this case it needs to use a map, something I don’t have…

use_backend be_%[path,map_beg(/etc/hapee-1.8/paths.map)]

This is probably a longshot my goal is to use HAProxy as a Proxy to a series of backends on a K8S cluster, taking advantage of the Consul HAProxy integration.