We run haproxytech/haproxy-ubuntu:2.8
in a docker container. It’s launched by an entrypoint script that has to do other jobs every X amount of time and then tell haproxy to restart so that it can load up new SSL certs and updated map files:
function sync_maps_and_certs ()
# go grab the updated files
function restart_haproxy ()
haproxy \
-D \
-f /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg \
-p /run/ \
-x /var/run/haproxy.sock \
-sf $(cat /run/
while true
sync_maps_and_certs || echo "problem syncing"
restart_haproxy || echo "problem restarting haproxy ... oh no!"
sleep 600
This works, but when running haproxy in Daemon mode ( -D ) we no longer see the haproxy logs in stdout in the Docker container. If I remove -D it works (but then the script loop can’t continue because it’s foregrounded) and if I background the haproxy process with a trailing &
the old haproxy processes don’t seem to get the SIGTERM and we get a lot of processes built up over time.
I’d prefer to run in daemon mode and still get my logs to show up in the container stdout. Any suggestions?