Haproxy to prevent access to all but selected URLs on a backend


I am trying to setup haproxy to block access to a backend server from a particular IP address.
I need haproxy to allow access to only three URLs on the backend server.
I came up with this, please can someone tell me if this is correct, and will work as expected?

frontend access_control
   maxconn     50000
   bind        *:8080
   mode        http
   option      httplog
   http-request deny if !{ path -i -m beg /url1/path } { src } 
   http-request deny if !{ path -i -m beg /url2 } { src }
   http-request deny if !{ path -i -m beg /url3 } { src }
default_backend access_control_backend

backend access_control_backend
   mode        http
   option      httplog
   server      server1     server1:8080

It appears to work, but I would really appreciate some assistance in refining it, if necessary.