Haproxy with RDP

I have a problem with proxying Windows 10/Server RDP, the point is when i type srv1.example.com RDP app connects to virtual machine srv1 (win 10 pro) with ip, when i type srv2.example.com it connects to (win srv 2022) ip With that config redirections work without problem but no matter what subdomain i type (have to be rdirected on domain server to my public ip) i connects to server in config (no checking domain etc).

frontend ft_rdp
mode tcp
bind *:3389
timeout client 1h
log global
option tcplog
tcp-request inspect-delay 2s
tcp-request content accept if RDP_COOKIE
default_backend bk_rdp

backend bk_rdp
mode tcp
persist rdp-cookie
timeout server 1h
timeout connect 4s
log global
option tcplog
option tcp-check
server srv1

But when i do smth like this (checking domain name and connecting to coresponding srv), RDP automatically refuses connection and post error 0x904 (cypher or network problems):

frontend ft_rdp
mode tcp
bind *:3389
timeout client 1h
log global
option tcplog
tcp-request inspect-delay 2s
tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }
tcp-request content accept if RDP_COOKIE

acl host_srv1 req_ssl_sni -i srv1.example.com
acl host_srv2 req_ssl_sni -i srv2.example.com

use_backend bk_rdp_srv1 if host_srv1
use_backend bk_rdp_srv2 if host_srv2

backend bk_rdp_srv1
mode tcp
persist rdp-cookie
timeout server 1h
timeout connect 4s
log global
option tcplog
option tcp-check
server server1

backend bk_rdp_srv2
mode tcp
persist rdp-cookie
timeout server 1h
timeout connect 4s
log global
option tcplog
option tcp-check
server server2

Anyone have any idea?

I know there is option with windows server rd gateway but i dont want to use it, “serwers” have to be separated and have no communication between each other.

I added:
bind *:3389 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/srv1.example.com.pem crt /etc/haproxy/srv2.example.com.pem
server srv1 check ssl verify none
server srv2 check ssl verify none

but still nothink