I have an Haproxy with lots of different SNI and ACLs and I’m trying to configure HTTP2 on one specific SNI, but when I configure the haproxy.cfg as the example below, the requests to the site that should be accessible from HTTP2 works fine, but the others that should be accessible only with HTTP/1.1 are opening the site that is accessible from HTTP2.
frontend ft_default
mode http
bind :443 ssl crt-list /etc/haproxyCA/crt-list.txt no-sslv3 no-tlsv10 no-tlsv11 no-tlsv13 alpn h2,http/1.1
(. . .)
# HTTP/1.1 site
use_backend bk_http1 if { ssl_fc_sni http1.example.com }
# HTTP2 site
use_backend bk_http2 if { ssl_fc_sni http2.example.com }
# HTTP/1.1 backend
backend bk_http1
mode http
server <host> <server_IP>:80 weight 10 maxconn 1024 check
# HTTP2 backend
backend bk_http2
mode http
server <host> <server_IP>:80 weight 10 maxconn 1024 check alpn h2,http/1.1
My HAProxy version is 2.0.13-2ubuntu0.2.
If you need further information or explanation please feel free to ask.
Thank you.