Loadbalance SSH connections, bind Vs Listen

I have to setup haproxy to load-balance SFTP connections. I can get this working fine if i bind the frontend end to an arbitrary port and loadbalance to backend_server:22. However I cannot do this in practice as I cannot force users to use a new port so I must use port 22 on my frontend and I cannot get this config working. I have tried modifying sshd config to listen on another address but no luck.

  1. Must I bind to port 22 to successfully listen and loadbalance ssh connections (can i not just bind to port xx and listen on 22?)
  2. Whats the difference between listen vs bind?
  3. does anyone have a sample config?

Many thanks in advance

  1. Must I bind to port 22 to successfully listen and loadbalance ssh connections (can i not just bind to port xx and listen on 22?)

well, you must have a process already binding the port 22, that’s why HAProxy can’t bind it.
Fix this.

  1. Whats the difference between listen vs bind?

A listen is a combination of a couple of proxies: client side proxy (frontend) and serverside proxy (backend).
A bind belongs to the frontend and tells HAProxy which IP and port it should collect traffic from.

  1. does anyone have a sample config?

    listen ssh
    bind :22
    server s check

Add secondary IP to your NIC (figure out yourself how to, depends on your flavor)

Tell SSH daemon to listen only on primary IP
edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 22
ListenAddress [NIC Primary IP]
(don’t forget to restart SSH daemon - ‘server ssh restart’)

Use HAProxy with secondary IP now to bind port 22

Idea from https://access.redhat.com/solutions/260463