We have a lot RewriteRules in our Apache config files. Now we have to migrate these rules to haproxy.
For Example:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^app.mydomain. com*
RewriteRule ^/$ app.mydomain. com/app/startpath [R,L]
How could this be configured in haproxy? like this?
http-request redirect code 302 location https://app.mydomain. com/appPath if { path / and url_dom app.mydomain. com }
Can I use values from a regex expression in the location?
We have a lot of these rules:
RewriteRule ^/?products/(detail|edit)/(\S+)$ /p?$1=$2 [R=301,L]
where app.mydomain. com/products/detail/123 redirects to app.mydomain. com/p?detail=123
Can this be done in haproxy?
Thank you for your help
(the blank before the .com is because i’m getting the message “Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.”)