My setup works but I want to add another server to the pool that needs pathbased.
I notice this works and all good.
http-request set-path /application-path%[path]
server otherserver ssl check verify none
But…the present servers health check works fine, but this new server health check isn’t working.
Think I need the additional /application-path in the health check for this extra server. ?
Is there a way to have a second healthcheck for this specific server in the pool ?
I have 4 servers and added this one. Unfortunately this one needs the /application-path but those others don’t. (this 5th is not mine so cannot edit this endpoint)
So 4 are green on the health check but the 5th need the extra /application-path. Can this be done in haproxy without creating a new backend, cause that would go beyond the goal.
Okay, thought maybe it was possible to have a backend with 5 servers but have one server with a different healthcheck.
server1 /health
server5 /check/health