I want to use HAproxy to rate limit incoming requests my ideal setup woud be:
HAProxy -> Traefik -> Nginx -> SVC
where HAProxy does the rate limitting forwards http on port 80 and tcp on port 443
Traefik does SSL terminaltion with Let’s Encrypt
Nginx does specific header validation, add required headers, and file serving
SVC a service written in Go or Python
The problem
The problem I have is that HAProxy counts abuses on the IP of previous hop which is a node in Kubernetes so the IPv4 is always the same (well my cluster has 10 nodes so the IP is one of those 10) Which means that whenever I block someone during 30sec no one is able to access from different public IP’s.
What is the ideal config to rate limit on real ips or is there an alternative approach?
HAProxy Config
this is my HAProxy configuration:
maxconn 20000
log stdout local0 notice
maxconn 20000
option dontlognull
retries 3
timeout connect 10s
timeout client 300s
timeout server 300
log global
balance source
option forwardfor
option http-server-close
frontend proxy_http_mode_http
bind *:80
mode http
acl abuse src_http_req_rate(Abuse) ge 300
acl flag_abuser src_inc_gpc0(Abuse) ge 10
acl scanner src_http_err_rate(Abuse) ge 10
# track
http-request track-sc0 src table Abuse
# Returns a 403 to the abuser and flags for tcp-reject next time
http-request deny deny_status 429 if abuse flag_abuser scanner
use_backend backend_http
frontend metrics
bind *:9090
no log
stats uri /
stats enable
frontend proxy_https_mode_tcp
bind *:443
mode tcp
option tcplog
# ACL function declarations
acl is_abuse src_http_req_rate(Abuse) ge 1000
acl inc_abuse_cnt src_inc_gpc0(Abuse) gt 30
acl abuse_cnt src_get_gpc0(Abuse) gt 30
# Rules
tcp-request connection track-sc0 src table Abuse
tcp-request connection reject if abuse_cnt
use_backend backend_https
backend backend_http
balance roundrobin
server traefik localhost:800
mode http
backend backend_https
balance roundrobin
server traefik localhost:4430
mode tcp
backend Abuse
stick-table type ip size 1m expire 30s store conn_rate(3s),conn_cur,gpc0,http_req_rate(5s),http_err_rate(20s)