i want to set up a reverse proxy to redirect calls on my dynamic dns depending on the path. So if it is “mydyndns.com/web1” it should redirect to server “web1” and so on. I have set three ACL, based on path_beg. But whenever I enter any of the mentioned paths like “mydyndns.com/portainer” on the web browser, I always get redirected to default_backend (whatever I set it to).
Any ideas how to solve this?
maxconn 300
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
frontend http-in
bind *:80
acl has_portainer path_sub -i /portainer/#/auth
acl has_grafana path_sub /grafana/
acl has_influx path_sub /write/
use_backend grafana_backend if has_grafana
use_backend portainer_backend if has_portainer
use_backend influxdb_backend if has_influx
default_backend grafana_backend
backend grafana_backend
server grafana_test check
backend portainer_backend
server portainer check
backend influxdb_backend
server influxdb check
I work with docker for all components