Stop logging "X changed its IP from Y to Z"

I have haproxy configured with around 74 backends each using `server-template name ${FDQN}" for my backends. The haproxy nodes are containers in a small k8s cluster.

I’m fine with the IP addresses getting re-discovered and shuffled but the logs are choking my log aggregation and I can’t seem to squelch them in haproxy with any combination of log parameters in global. It’s over 9,000 lines/minute per container in my k8s cluster.

Is there a way to hide these warnings (example below)?

haproxy-local | [WARNING] 082/114612 (8) : account_service/account_service changed its IP from 123.456.789.123 to 123.456.789.123 by k8s_dns/dns.
haproxy-local | account_service/account_service_1 changed its IP from 123.456.789.123 to 123.456.789.123 by k8s_dns/dns.
haproxy-local | account_service/account_service_1 changed its IP from 123.456.789.123 to 123.456.789.123 by k8s_dns/dns.

Is there a way to hide/squelch or prevent these messages from popping up every second? The only thing I could think of was tuning the k8s_dns k8s_dns to have much higher hold values but then I end up with old cached entries in haproxy and services going offline during deployments. Is there a way to hide these DNS change logs while keeping my resolver hold values low?

I forgot to include version info:
haproxy 2.2.4

CC @Baptiste

Were you able to find a solution to this?

We are experiencing the same issue with a couple of our backends that resolve to DNS entries randomly. There doesn’t seem to be any way to silence it in 2.2 or 2.4.

What I’m observing is the DNS resolver is returning a different A record on each query (route 53 s3 lookups in my case). So haproxy is flip-flopping as a result.

same here but with ALOHA HAPRoxy (haproxy appliance)
so many : " changed its IP from "

Please file a change request on github:

Good point :). I filed Option to silence DNS lookups when DNS updates/a backend server IP changes · Issue #1663 · haproxy/haproxy · GitHub to request this change.