Updating haproxy.cfg


Updated Haproxy and now everything is just horribly broken.

My original backend in prior version of Haproxy looked like this;

backend backend1
reqrep ^([^\ :])\ /backend1/(.) \1\ /\2
reqadd X-Script-Name:\ /backend1
option forwardfor
server server1

That would have allowed me to type into the address bar of my browser, to reach the said server. Frontend was bound to port 80.

But now the problem is;

Reqrep and reqadd are no longer working???

And after googling for hours and looking through the documentation, I cannot figure out what are the appropriate replacements???

I tested;

backend backend1
http-request replace-path /backend1/(.*) /\1
option forwardfor
server server1

But it seems to not perform as intended, as it probably loads up a wrong path? It loads favicon and website title, but the site itself remains blank.

My frontend has this;

use_backend backend1 if { path_beg /backend1/ }

I assumed that;

http-request replace-path /backend1/(.*) /\1

Would remove the /backend1/ and simply lead to

Giving us the version you use can help. You can find it with haproxy -vvv command.

reqrep has been deprecated, you have to replace it with http-request replace-uri.

To add a custom header you can use this
http-request add-header <custom header name> <custom header value> "