Using dynamic application session cookies with docker swarm backend services


I’ve followed the guide at to setup a haproxy to load balance docker swarm backend services which works well.

I would like to introduce sticky sessions and found the dynamic cookie configuration at which allows me to use

dynamic-cookie-key MYKEY
cookie SRVID insert dynamic

in this context.

Now to my question: is it possible to setup this kind of session persistence for the usage with application session cookies, like explained in this guide:

I’m searching for a way to configure a combination of

dynamic-cookie-key MYKEY
cookie SRVID insert dynamic
server-template server-template myapp- 3 myapp-Service:80 check resolvers docker init-addr libc,none


cookie JSESSIONID prefix nocache
server s1 check cookie s1
server s2 check cookie s2

Any hint very appreciated,



The documentation doesn’t mention any incompatibilities between the two, so I’d suggest you just try:

dynamic-cookie-key MYKEY
cookie JSESSIONID prefix nocache dynamic
server-template server-template myapp- 3 myapp-Service:80 check resolvers docker init-addr libc,none

But … is this really needed? Hijacking an application cookie and modifying it was needed a decade or two ago when some crazy broken implementations only supported a single cookie, I don’t understand the use-case really?


thanks for your reply…

the combination

dynamic-cookie-key MYKEY
cookie JSESSIONID prefix nocache dynamic
server-template server-template myapp- 3 myapp-Service:80 check resolvers docker init-addr libc,none

does not work, but as you stated, I think I don’t really need it. I thought of what happens when the JSESSIONID-cookie expires, but that shouldn’t cause a problem.