1.8.x - 2.2.x upgrade kills client certificate authentication from a hardware token (gemalto)

I experience a weird problem. I have been using haproxy 1.8.x and then upgraded to 2.2.5 on Debian Buster. I had a working client cert authentication that is used both with browser and hardware token stored certificates. After upgrading to 2.2.5, client cert authentication stopped working using the hardware token (!) but still working when the same certificate is stored in Windows / browser cert store. The hardware token is Gemalto.

haproxy only logs “SSL handshake failure”, nothing more, so it is not easy to debug. I kindly ask you if you have any hint or experience, please share with me. I am a bit surprised that there are any difference in the presentation of a certificate to a server based on where it is stored…

Relevant config part of my haproxy:

frontend admin_https_in
  mode http

  bind <myip>:80
  bind <myip>:443 ssl crt mycert_bundle.crt ecdhe secp384r1 ca-file mycafile.crt verify required crt-ignore-err 10,12,23 crl-file mycrllist.pem

  # Custom log format
  log-format %ci:%cp\ [%t]\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\ %ST\ %B\ %CC\ %CS\ %tsc\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ %hr\ %hs\ {%[ssl_c_verify],%{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn],%{+Q}[ssl_c_i_dn]}\ %{+Q}r

  # Redirect to HTTPS
  redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
  # HSTS
  http-response set-header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload;"
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https

  # Certificate error redirects to custom error pages
  use_backend cert-error-exp if { ssl_c_verify 10 }
  # use_backend cert-error-crl-exp if { ssl_c_verify 12 }
  use_backend cert-error-rev if { ssl_c_verify 23 }
  # use_backend cert-error-other unless { ssl_c_verify 0 }

  # Client certificate headers
  http-request set-header X-SSL                       %[ssl_fc]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-CLIENT-VERIFY         %[ssl_c_verify]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-CLIENT-HASH           %{+Q}[ssl_c_sha1,hex]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-CLIENT-SUBJECT        %{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-CLIENT-ISSUER         %{+Q}[ssl_c_i_dn]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-CLIENT-VALID          %{+Q}[ssl_c_notafter]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-CLIENT-SN             %{+Q}[ssl_c_serial,hex]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-CLIENT-CERT-B64       %{+Q}[ssl_c_der,base64]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-CLIENT-IP             %[src]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-SESSION-ID            %[ssl_fc_session_id,hex]
  http-request set-header X-SSL-CLIENT-SAN            %{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn(emailAddress)]


# Client certificate custom error pages
backend cert-error-exp
  mode http
  errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/cert_error_expired.http

backend cert-error-crl-exp
  mode http
  errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/cert_error_crl_expired.http

backend cert-error-rev
  mode http
  errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/cert_error_revoked.http

backend cert-error-other
  mode http
  errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/cert_error_other.http

It is most likely that some cipher support is not available on the hw token side. However, no such error is logged at haproxy, so it is difficult to debug. Upgrading to haproxy 2.3 did not help at all. However, it is very much unclear which cipher configuration applies to client cert authentication.

The problem is caused by TLS 1.3 and some cipher. It is not easy to debug. The Gemalto token is older and not supporting some cipher. I made a packet capture and decoded TLS session. I found haproxy is stressing cipher rsa_pss_rsae_sha256 that might be not supported on the hw token side (assumption). The last packet is sent from client to server before tearing down connection:

TLSv1.3 Record Layer: Alert (Level: Fatal, Description: Certificate Unknown)
    Opaque Type: Application Data (23)
    Version: TLS 1.2 (0x0303)
    Length: 19
    [Content Type: Alert (21)]
    Alert Message
        Level: Fatal (2)
        Description: Certificate Unknown (46)

When enabling “force-tlsv12” at haproxy, client cert is accepted. However, it is very slow, takes 15-20sec to log in.

This problem is akward to resolve as no usable log is available neither on haproxy, nor on client side.

Since haproxy 2.2, TLSv1.2 is the default minimum TLS release.

It’s possible the token used TLSv1.0 previously, which Haproxy no longer accepts. Try allowing it:

   ssl-default-bind-options ssl-min-ver TLSv1.0
   ssl-default-server-options ssl-min-ver TLSv1.0

@lukastribus Thanks for the hint. I turned on TLS 1.0, it is the same: takes 15-20sec to download a simple page. Every time you navigate on this page, it takes 15-20sec to load. Bit of painful…

I got a new hw token (SafeNet) with same certificate: it works fine with the same haproxy config.

So, it is definitely caused by a cipher mismatch. However, impossible to identify based on haproxy logs. Would be nice to see more in logs (or on browser side).

You can log SSL version and ciphers fine, just put it into your log-format:


Thanks indeed, I will give it a try.

I wonder how to apply absolutely the same SSL settings as it was in haproxy 1.8. Is it possible? It seems like 15-20sec download time remains whatever I do… I would appreciate some hint. Thanks.

There are no differences other then the default minimum TLS version.

I am having a chance to dive into it just now. I can log now the SSL version and cipher (thanks). It is important also to turn off global config “dontlog-normal”. If this is enabled, client cert checks are sometimes logged, sometimes NOT.

The new token (mentioned above) is working fine. When the old token is used page download is sometimes stuck for 10-15sec. See the logs. There are a tremendous “SSL handshake failure” messages. When connection is slowed down, there are a higher number of them.

    Feb  9 12:36:26 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:26.509] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:27 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:22.944] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 4429/0/1/1/4466 200 88443 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=../L=.../organizationIdentifier=...","/C=../L=.../O=..."} "GET /js/jquery.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:36:27 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:27.462] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:28 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:23.846] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 4722/0/2/0/4724 200 5748 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=../L=.../organizationIdentifier=...","/C=../L=.../O=..."} "GET /js/micromodal/micromodal.min.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:36:28 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:28.590] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:29 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:23.845] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 5317/0/1/1/5319 200 1267 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=../L=.../organizationIdentifier=...","/C=../L=.../O=..."} "GET /js/tooltips/tooltips.css HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:36:30 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:25.072] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 4990/0/2/1/5052 200 140153 - - ---- 5/5/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=../L=.../organizationIdentifier=...","/C=../L=.../O=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:36:30 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:30.162] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:30 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:25.782] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 5188/0/2/1/5191 200 3156 - - ---- 5/5/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=../L=.../organizationIdentifier=...","/C=../L=.../O=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/src/scriptaculous.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:36:31 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:30.998] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:31 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:31.004] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:31 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:31.020] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:31 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:31.020] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:31 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:31.038] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:31 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:31.039] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:31 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:31.055] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:36:31 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:36:26.525] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 5322/0/1/1/5326 200 38699 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=../L=.../organizationIdentifier=...","/C=../L=.../O=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/src/effects.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2

SSL handshake failures also happen with the new hw token, but it works fine. This log is made with the new hw token, I can see no relevant difference, even the TLS version and ciphers are the same.

    Feb  9 12:48:33 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:33.360] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:33 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:33.360] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:33 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:33.386] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:36.615] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01a 4735/0/2/4/4741 302 940 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET / HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.372] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.388] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 389/0/2/8/400 200 3373 - - ---- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /login?forward=%2F HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.881] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.881] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.887] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.887] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.888] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.888] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.913] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.912] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.912] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:41 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.912] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.913] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 439/0/1/1/441 200 2924 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/analytics/dygraph.css HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.372] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 9/0/1/1/11 200 2960 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/micromodal/micromodal.css HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.400] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 7/0/1/1/10 200 3596 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/croppie/croppie.min.css HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.425] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 8/0/2/2/12 200 3551 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /contents/admincss?_v20210125 HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.453] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 7/0/1/1/9 200 1267 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/tooltips/tooltips.css HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.479] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.492] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.509] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.528] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.544] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.561] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.578] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.594] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.612] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.927] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 821/0/1/0/852 200 88443 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/jquery.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.812] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 12/0/1/1/14 200 5748 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/micromodal/micromodal.min.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.842] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 9/0/1/1/77 200 140153 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.951] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 6/0/1/1/8 200 3156 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/src/scriptaculous.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:42 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.987] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.943] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 1216/0/1/1/1218 200 5489 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/tooltips/tooltips.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.211] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 7/0/1/1/10 200 23998 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/croppie/croppie.min.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.247] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 6/0/2/0/10 200 46233 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/springboard.js?_v20210125 HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.302] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 7/0/2/1/10 200 5056 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/custom.js?_v20210125 HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.327] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.342] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.364] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.385] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.411] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.433] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.942] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 1628/0/1/1/1630 200 1558 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/side-bar.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.589] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 8/0/1/1/10 200 4971 - - ---- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/src/builder.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:43 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.949] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 2021/0/2/1/2026 200 38699 - - ---- 5/5/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/src/effects.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:44 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:41.949] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 2393/0/1/1/2396 200 31283 - - ---- 4/4/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/src/dragdrop.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:44 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:42.630] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 2106/0/1/1/2109 200 35014 - - ---- 3/3/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/src/controls.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:45 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.000] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 2130/0/1/1/2133 200 10391 - - ---- 2/2/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/src/slider.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:45 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:45.157] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:45 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:43.460] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 2046/0/2/1/2050 200 2684 - - ---- 2/2/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/scriptaculous/src/sound.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:45 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:45.533] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:45 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:45.171] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 749/0/1/1/752 200 30471 - - ---- 2/2/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /js/clonefish.js HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:45 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:45.961] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure
Feb  9 12:48:46 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:45.551] admin_https_in~ frontend_admin/vik-t-vpfe01b 755/0/2/6/763 302 814 - - ---- 2/2/0/0/0 0/0 {0,"/C=...","/C=..."} "GET /index/ping HTTP/1.1" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA TLSv1.2
Feb  9 12:48:46 localhost haproxy[5820]: [09/Feb/2021:12:48:46.329] admin_https_in/2: SSL handshake failure

@lukastribus would be grateful if any additional hints… thanks, Lukas.