Hey there. I’m using HAProxy in front of a bublic AWS ELB. Once HAProxy is configured, it behaves exactly as I would expect. But after some amount of time (27 hours seems to be the average) HAProxy starts to only respond with a 503 error. I can see that my services are still accessible via the public ELB, but for some reason HAProxy is only returning a 503.
If I include a check in my service definition, the error after ~27 hours will be Layer 4 Timeout in 2002ms and the service will be shown as down. If I omit the check, the same 503 response is shown but the service is still shown as up.
My config looks like:
log global
mode http
option httplog
# option http-server-close
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 10000
timeout server 10000
stats enable
stats auth someuser:somepassword
stats uri /haproxyStats
frontend http-in
bind *:80
default_backend servers
# acl from_http hdr(X-Forwarded-Proto) -i "http"
# redirect scheme https code 301 if from_http
backend servers
server api "${FRONTEND_HOST}:${FRONTEND_PORT}" check