I am really scratching my head right now. I have many services running in a Docker Swarm and happily balance them using HAProxy. One service though which has no different configuration than many other nginx-based services simply gives me a 503, although I can access the service from the HAProxy container without any problems.
So basically, I get a 503 No server is available to handle this request.
My backend is configured like this (again, I have many other similar backends in the same HAProxy):
backend be_indico
balance roundrobin
dynamic-cookie-key ECAPINDICO
cookie SRVID insert dynamic
option httpchk HEAD /
default-server check maxconn 20
server-template ecap-indico- 1 ecap-indico_indico-nginx:8080 check resolvers docker init-addr libc,none
and ecap-indico_indico-nginx
can also be resolved correctly on the HAProxy container. I can also reach 8080 (tested with telnet ecap-indico_indico-nginx 8080
and typed GET /
, which gives me a valid HTTP response).
How is it possible that HAProxy states there is no server available to handle this request? Any help on debugging this?