Can I forward the request to the server which is the fastest server to watch youtube?

Can I forward the request to the server which is the fastest server to watch youtube?

Can we get a little more info?
I assume you are load balancing something like an explicit squid proxy to ask such a question in the first place.
I can’t think of anything off the top of my head ATM but with more info it might make more sense.

for example, behind Haproxy, there are several server, s1, s2,  Generally,  PC sends a request to Haproxy, then Haproxy arranges a server to cope with the request according the pre-defined balance mode.  but the download speed of servers are not same and maybe it's dynamic. (if I am downloading stuffs or watching movie online, I want to forward request by Haproxy to the fastest download server, it's not based on ping vaule.)

Is there a new balance mode to forward the request to the fastest download server, or if the download speed is less than a fixed vaule, Haproxy do a switch ?