Config : frontend 'GLOBAL' has no 'bind' directive

I have a problem with my haproxy.cnf

When I start haproxy I get this warning:
Starting haproxy: [WARNING] 334/150131 (23086) : config : frontend ‘GLOBAL’ has no ‘bind’ directive. Please declare it as a backend if this was intended.

I have tried different things but I can’t get ried of the warning :frowning:

My haproxy.cnf looks like this:

log /dev/log local0 warning

    #stats socket run/admin.sock mode 660 level admin
    stats timeout 30s
    maxconn 120

log global
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000



frontend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xmap
bind *:10010
mode tcp
default_backend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xmap-backend

backend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xmap-backend
mode tcp
balance leastconn
server hisp2e:16210 hisp2e:16210 check inter 5000
server hisp2f:16210 hisp2f:16210 check inter 5000

frontend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xmap-xmlapi
bind *:10014
mode tcp
default_backend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xmap-xmlapi-backend

backend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xmap-xmlapi-backend
mode tcp
balance leastconn
server hisp2e:16214 hisp2e:16214 check inter 5000
server hisp2f:16214 hisp2f:16214 check inter 5000

frontend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xroute
bind *:10030
mode tcp
default_backend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xroute-backend

backend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xroute-backend
mode tcp
balance leastconn
server hisp2e:16230 hisp2e:16230 check inter 5000
server hisp2f:16230 hisp2f:16230 check inter 5000

frontend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xroute-xml-api
bind *:10034
mode tcp
default_backend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xroute-xml-api-backend

backend haproxy-here-ptv-xserver-xroute-xml-api-backend
mode tcp
balance leastconn
server hisp2e:16234 hisp2e:16234 check inter 5000
server hisp2f:16234 hisp2f:16234 check inter 5000

I really hope someone can help me


There appears to be a bug in the config parsing, when “stats timeout 30s” is defined, but the actual “stats socket” is commented.

Please either comment the stats timeout (–> #stats timeout 30s) or uncomment the actual stats socket.

Now fixed, thanks for reporting it.