Different SSL certificates over single IP


I have a few services I like to serve with HaProxy over 443.
The question is now with the TLS certificates. Normally I would issue individual certificates for each service. If I do this, I could have different frontends on different IPs listening on 443, but that seems impractical.

What I think I should do is the following: one TLS frontend (443) on a single IP without SSL termination, that based on SNI routes to other TLS frontends that do terminate SSL (listening on and then those go back to the backend servers.

So kinda like this:

frontend master-tls
   mode tcp
   description           Master-TLS
   option                tcplog
   timeout client        3600s
   use_backend app01-tls { req.ssl_sni app01.company.net }
   use_backend app02-tls { req.ssl_sni app02.company.net }

frontend app01-tls
   bind ssl crt /root/.vault/app01.company.net.pem ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:-RC4-SHA:HIGH:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH
   mode tcp
   description           Application 1 (TLS)
   option                tcplog
   default_backend app01-backend-http

frontend app02-tls
   bind ssl crt /root/.vault/app02.company.net.pem ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:-RC4-SHA:HIGH:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH
   mode tcp
   description           Application 2 (TLS)
   option                tcplog

   default_backend app01-backend-http

backend app01-backend-http
   mode tcp 
   server app01-server-01

backend app02-backend-http
   mode tcp 
   server app01-server-01

Does this make sense and is this the correct approach?

I do this and have a write up about how I do it.

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Thanks for the reply. It seems that you are using once certificate for all internal services? Is that correct?
Ideally I would want for each services a different cert.


Thanks, just had some time to test this and it works.
Just leaving the important bits here for anyone else:

# Staging SSL Frontend
frontend Staging-SSL
  mode tcp
  tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
  tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }
  use_backend proxyb-somename if { req_ssl_sni -i sub.domain.net }

# Staging Backends
backend proxyb-somename
    mode tcp
    server loopback-for-tls abns@company-had01 send-proxy-v2

# HTTPS - Frontend 01
frontend F01-SSL
  bind abns@nethavn-had01 accept-proxy ssl crt /root/.vault/sub.domain.net-1686501700.pem ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:-RC4-SHA:HIGH:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH
  mode http
  description          Some Services
  option                tcplog
  timeout client        3600s
  default_backend company-backend-01

  acl trusted_ip src
  http-request deny deny_status 403 if !trusted_ip

# Backend 01
backend company-backend-01
  mode http
  server b01server01

Adjust to your needs of course.

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