The guide you’ve just linked helps choosing a backend (which is trivial and quite common), not a backend server (which seems much harder and less common).
In your example, there is this backend :
balance roundrobin
server api1 check
server api2 check
I’d like to have a header that makes HAProxy route the request to either the “api1” or “api2” server, essentially bypassing the roundrobin balacing, for example X-Backend-Server: api1.
Thanks a lot. The first part of my question is answered.
I’ve spent a lot of time searching the documentation, but I didn’t see this directive.
My second question can be answered with this line : http-response set-header X-Backend-Server %s
Here is a “full” example :
balance roundrobin
use-server api1 if { req.hdr(x-backend-server) -i api1 }
use-server api2 if { req.hdr(x-backend-server) -i api2 }
http-response set-header X-Backend-Server %s
server api1 check
server api2 check
So if you set a request header X-Backend-Server that matches an existing server name, it will be used. and in any cas, the name of the used server is added to the response in the same header.