HA 2.2 connection header disappeared

I have the following test installation on HA-Proxy version 2.2.4-1ppa1~bionic 2020/10/02:
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
timeout http-keep-alive 2m

frontend test_tcp80
option http-keep-alive
default_backend test_tcp80

backend test_tcp80
balance source
option prefer-last-server
option http-keep-alive
server iris

I create http1.1 request. Request from client consists header ‘Connection: keep-alive’, but request from Haproxy to backend without this header.
Is this a bug or feature? It works as expected on 1.9. How can I solve this problem?
Thank you!

It’s not a problem. HTTP/1.1 implies Connection: keep-alive, it therefor doesn’t make sense to set this header in HTTP/1.1.

@lukastribus Can I chime in here?

I have a (indeed very) bogus WebOS (LG SmartTVs) application for streaming that needs this damn header. (for H1 non-TLS connections)

My issue is with any modern (branches 2.4…2.6) version not only removes the connection header from the outgoing response but doesn’t even allow me to insert it manually:

http-response set-header connection “keep-alive”

Is completely ignores it.

Shouldn’t this last-resort option (adding manually) be allowed? On the HTX conception era, the h1-case-adjust.. feature was added to address this kind of broken apps, right?

You can try http-after-response but I’m not sure if this will do it.

Hi @lukastribus thanks for the reply. Just tried it. It doesn’t work also.

This is the main point of issue with this behavior: that the frontend is actively (and silently) removing it before sending the response to the client, even if manually added for a bogus app. My concern is that there’s no apparent workaround for this if really needed.

Correct, if http-after-response doesn’t work, then there is no workaround indeed.

Hi @lukastribus, so…the question becomes: Does this sound like a feature-request?

I know it seems dumb, with without it this bogus streaming app won’t work properly

You can try filing a feature request, but I honestly doubt that this will be integrated.

I would focus on getting the root cause fixed.