Haproxy backend

It’s HTTPS. You mean port 443, right?

Or is really https://ab.com:80/abc that you put in the browser address bar?

And what does the F5 do with the Host header?

I’d suggest you tcpdump a HTTP request arriving at the haproxy instance, so you can checkout the actual Host header, and put whatever you need into the haproxy configuration.

None of this is haproxy related though. You just need to understand what Host header to expect from your infrastructure.

The url will be accessed through the url https://abc.com:9000 ,as i said before 9000 is mapped to 8080 of Hap when it is initialised as docker container.

Any idea what http_request:GET /abc HTTP/1.1 at hap logs mean ?

Then that is what you need to put into your ACL:

redirect prefix https://cd.com code 301 if { hdr(host) -i https://ab.com:9000 }

Nothing. If the ACL condition doesn’t match than haproxy won’t redirect, and because there are no backend servers defined, you will see some kind of error code in the log file and a 503 error is returned.

Yes tried with port 9000 in the condition as per your initial advise , still no luck , thats what is strange about this :slightly_frowning_face::worried:

Then you need to capture the traffic with tcpdump and look at the actual content. We are now 24 posts into a back and forth that won’t go anywhere unless you take an actual look at the incoming traffic.

Thanks , I was able to achieve redirection without backend by changing the redirect rule

didnt work for me - redirect prefix https://cd.com code 301 if { hdr(host) -i https://ab.com:9000 }

Worked - redirect prefix https://cd.com code 301 if acl url_ab
Using the acl rather than the hdrhost condition worked for me

thanks lukas , really appreciate your help :innocent:

And how does that working ACL look like exactly?