Hey there…
I want to confirm about one of my HAProxy log formats listed below which are currently not being parsed on Loggly. Please see the below logs-
2601:42:1:56db:2088:1808 [29/May/2018:23:26:47.940] prod-front-http prod-bke-http/prod-web4 0/0/0/313/313 200 2963 - - ---- 6/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /pro_appointments/dmQ3ZTF3VmNNaG5oWERLajJSK1VZeWdv HTTP/1.1" [31/May/2018:23:26:47.940] prod-front-http prod-bke-http/prod-web4 0/0/0/313/313 200 2963 - - ---- 6/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /pro_appointments/dmQ3ZTF3VmNNaG5oWERLajJSK1VZeWdv HTTP/1.1"
Can you please let me know if this is one of the supported log format of HAProxy? I’ll look forward for your fastest response.