HAProxy 1.6.3
I need some help creating acls to branch based off a URL Parameter.
Example: http://www.mysitesample.com/my/site/is/here/myfile.aspx?parameter1=foo&clientid=bar01&index=100
I want to switch send traffic to backend servers matching a range of what “clientid” equals, type is text.
Samples of what clientid can equal: Client01, client01, CLIENT01, cLIENT01, CottageCheese01, Bluesky03 (and all upper/lower case variants), might not be the word client at all. more like the client’s name. The text ‘bar01’ is a sample and not a constant) and the ClientID parameter can appear anywhere in the client list.
Client01 through client05 goes to backend 1
Client06 through client10 goes to backend 2
CottageCheese01 or Bluesky03 goes to backend 3
If all else fails, go to backend 4.
Hopefully this explains it.
thank you!