Help with runtime api

Hello guys!
I’m struggling with runtime api information and need some guidance…
In Haproxy’s runtime api documentation we have this information:
Hello guys!
I’m struggling with runtime api information and need some guidance…
In Haproxy’s runtime api documentation we have this information:

srv_check_state:             State of the check (ENABLED/PAUSED/...).
                                The state is actually a mask of values :
                                  0x01 = CHK_ST_INPROGRESS
                                    A check is currently running.
                                  0x02 = CHK_ST_CONFIGURED
                                    This check is configured and may be
                                  0x04 = CHK_ST_ENABLED
                                    This check is currently administratively
                                  0x08 = CHK_ST_PAUSED
                                    Checks are paused because of maintenance
                                    (health only).

But when I run “show servers state” command the api responds with integer numbers, in my case srv_check_state always return one of this four values: 0,6,7 and 14.
I could not find any other documentation explaining these values.
Can someone point me where to look? I’m really confused with this, the same occurs with srv_admin_state values… the docs use this 0x?? numbers but api returns different integers.


The important part is the sentence:

The state is actually a mask of values

srv_check_state does not describe one state. It describes 4 states in a binary mask.
srv_admin_state describes 7 states, not one.