High cpu usage over TCP

I’m running haproxy 2.4 and when the haproxy is configured in tcp mode i get a high cpu usage.
Running the stress tool to generated arround 30k connections:
./pst -c 100000 -r 100000 -u urlist.txt -p,
The cpu usage in all haproxy process spikes to near 100% and the load is 4+.
Running the same test on http mode.
The cpu usage is around 10% on each process and the load is 1.20.
I also try use to nbthread instead nbproc but get the same results.
Also, this problems continues on haproxy 2.5

Config file in HTTP mode:

#  1,5
# CPU(s) 11
	log local0
	maxconn	200000
	nbproc           11
	cpu-map           1 0
	cpu-map           2 1
	cpu-map           3 2
	cpu-map           4 3
	cpu-map           5 4
	cpu-map           6 5
	cpu-map           7 6
	cpu-map           8 7
	cpu-map           9 8
	cpu-map           10 9
	cpu-map           11 10
	uid	0
	gid	0
	chroot	/tmp
	pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
	stats socket /var/run/haproxy.stat mode 600 level admin
	stats bind-process 1
#	debug
#	quiet

	log	global
	log-format	HASTATS:::%{+Q}o:::client_ip=%ci:::client_port=%cp:::datetime_of_request=[%tr]:::frontend_name_transport=%ft:::backend_name=%b:::server_name=%s:::time_to_receive_full_request=%TR:::Tw=%Tw:::Tc=%Tc:::response_time=%Tr:::active_time_of_request=%Ta:::status_code=%ST:::bytes_read=%B:::captured_request_cookie=%CC:::captured_response_cookie=%CS:::termination_state_with_cookie_status=%tsc:::actconn=%ac:::feconn=%fc:::beconn=%bc:::srv_conn=%sc:::retries=%rc:::srv_queue=%sq:::backend_queue=%bq:::captured_request_headers_default_style=%hr:::captured_response_headers_default_style=%hs:::server_ip=%si:::server_port=%sp:::frontend_name=%f:::http_method=%HM:::http_request_uri_without_query=%HP:::http_request_query_string=%HQ:::http_request_uri=%HU:::bytes_uploaded=%U:::ssl_ciphers=%sslc:::ssl_version=%sslv:::%[capture.res.hdr(0)]
	mode	http
	option	dontlognull
	retries	3
	option	redispatch
	maxconn	200000
	timeout connect	5000
	timeout client	50000
	timeout server	50000

frontend ddsds
	bind	:3128 name ddsds
	capture request header Host len 1024
	capture request header Content-Type len 1024
	capture request header User-Agent len 1024
	capture request header Referer len 1024
	capture request header X-Forwarded-For len 1024
	capture response header Content-Type len 1024
	capture cookie Cookie_2 len 100
	http-request set-header mode mode:tcp
	http-request capture hdr(mode)  len 10
	mode http
	option	httplog
#	http-keep-alive: * 1 *
	option http-keep-alive
	timeout http-keep-alive 15000
	option prefer-last-server
	option redispatch
	no option httpclose
	option http-tunnel
	timeout client	15000
	timeout http-request	50000
	timeout queue	50000

	default_backend default_ddsds

backend default_ddsds
	mode http
	balance leastconn
#	http-keep-alive: * 1 *
	option http-keep-alive
	timeout http-keep-alive 15000
	option prefer-last-server
	option redispatch
	no option httpclose
	option http-tunnel
	timeout connect	4000
	timeout server	50000
	timeout http-request	50000
	timeout queue	50000
	retries	3

	server normal_port weight 1 maxconn 10000 check inter 60000 rise 2 fall 3 source

# ddsds no result
frontend admin_page
	mode http
	stats enable
	stats refresh 10s
	stats uri /stats

Config file in TCP mode:

#  1,5
# CPU(s) 11
	log local0
	maxconn	200000
	nbproc           11
	cpu-map           1 0
	cpu-map           2 1
	cpu-map           3 2
	cpu-map           4 3
	cpu-map           5 4
	cpu-map           6 5
	cpu-map           7 6
	cpu-map           8 7
	cpu-map           9 8
	cpu-map           10 9
	cpu-map           11 10
	uid	0
	gid	0
	chroot	/tmp
	pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
	stats socket /var/run/haproxy.stat mode 600 level admin
	stats bind-process 1
#	debug
#	quiet

	log	global
	log-format	HASTATS:::%{+Q}o:::client_ip=%ci:::client_port=%cp:::datetime_of_request=[%tr]:::frontend_name_transport=%ft:::backend_name=%b:::server_name=%s:::time_to_receive_full_request=%TR:::Tw=%Tw:::Tc=%Tc:::response_time=%Tr:::active_time_of_request=%Ta:::status_code=%ST:::bytes_read=%B:::captured_request_cookie=%CC:::captured_response_cookie=%CS:::termination_state_with_cookie_status=%tsc:::actconn=%ac:::feconn=%fc:::beconn=%bc:::srv_conn=%sc:::retries=%rc:::srv_queue=%sq:::backend_queue=%bq:::captured_request_headers_default_style=%hr:::captured_response_headers_default_style=%hs:::server_ip=%si:::server_port=%sp:::frontend_name=%f:::http_method=%HM:::http_request_uri_without_query=%HP:::http_request_query_string=%HQ:::http_request_uri=%HU:::bytes_uploaded=%U:::ssl_ciphers=%sslc:::ssl_version=%sslv:::%[capture.res.hdr(0)]
	mode	http
	option	dontlognull
	retries	3
	option	redispatch
	maxconn	200000
	timeout connect	5000
	timeout client	50000
	timeout server	50000

frontend ddsds
	bind	:3128 name ddsds
	capture request header Host len 1024
	capture request header Content-Type len 1024
	capture request header User-Agent len 1024
	capture request header Referer len 1024
	capture request header X-Forwarded-For len 1024
	capture response header Content-Type len 1024
	capture cookie Cookie_2 len 100
	http-request set-header mode mode:tcp
	http-request capture hdr(mode)  len 10
	mode tcp
	option	httplog
	option	dontlognull
	option http-tunnel
	timeout client	15000
	timeout http-request	50000
	timeout queue	50000

	default_backend default_ddsds

backend default_ddsds
	mode tcp
	balance leastconn
	option http-tunnel
	timeout connect	4000
	timeout server	50000
	timeout http-request	50000
	timeout queue	50000
	retries	3

	server normal_port weight 1 maxconn 10000 check inter 60000 rise 2 fall 3 source

# ddsds no result
frontend admin_page
	mode http
	stats enable
	stats refresh 10s
	stats uri /stats

Anyone can help me to fix this issue.
Thanks in advance.

Anyone can help me one this?