Hi folks!
I’ve noticed the weird HAProxy 2.0 (2.0.12) behavour when it is started with all backend servers disabled (MAINT state). Weirdness is that when the servers are configured with check directive HAProxy starts to consume additional CPU cycles (when compared to the same configuration with no-check directive). It becomes more visible when HAProxy is started with high number of threads.
For example, on a 2CPU VM and 100 backend servers in a MAINT state HAProxy started with 62 threads consumes around 20% of CPU (that’s with no load). With the same config but no-check in it CPU usage is around 1%.
Can this be fixed?
Example config:
nbthread 62
log stdout local0 warning
stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 666 level admin
stats timeout 2m
log global
mode http
option http-use-htx
timeout connect 5s
timeout client 1h
timeout server 1h
listen grpc
bind proto h2
option httplog
balance roundrobin
default-server proto h2 check inter 1s fall 1 rise 1 disabled
#default-server proto h2 no-check inter 1s fall 1 rise 1 disabled
server-template srv 1-100