Need help to convert following irule to haproxy
if { [HTTP::header Host] eq “” and [HTTP::path] starts_with “/call1”}
HTTP::header replace Host “”
HTTP::uri [string map {“/call1” “”} [HTTP::uri]]
Need help to convert following irule to haproxy
if { [HTTP::header Host] eq “” and [HTTP::path] starts_with “/call1”}
HTTP::header replace Host “”
HTTP::uri [string map {“/call1” “”} [HTTP::uri]]
Here’s how I would do it.
frontend app_site_com
acl siteHdr hdr(host) -i
acl siteUri path -i -m beg /call1
use_backend ssl_api_site_com if siteHdr siteUri
backend ssl_api_site_com
http-request set-header Host
http-request set-path "%[path,regsub(^/call1,/)]"