I have two server and two port for per server,I want if one port of per server down The other port on this server is also down and send all request to other server.
What works best depends on the current configuration, which is we need you to share it.
frontend my_frontend
mode http
option httplog
bind *:80
bind *:82
backend my_backend1
mode http
balance roundrobin
server server1 check port 80
server server1 check port 82
backend my_backend2
mode http
balance roundrobin
server server1 check port 80
server server1 check port 82
ACL: if port 80 down on backend1 port 82 also on this backend go down and send all request to backend2
I’m afraid that’s not possible with build in health checks. You can only health check a single port.
Use external-check or agent-check. Or unify them on the server side to a single dedicated health check port by some means.