I am using HaProxy in Kubernetes to do an active passive balancing on a statefulset with 2 nodes. This is the config I am using:
log stdout format raw local0
default-server init-addr libc,none
log global
mode http
timeout client 20s
timeout server 5s
timeout connect 4s
frontend port_8080
bind *:8080
mode http
default_backend repository
backend repository
option log-health-checks
mode http
option httpchk GET /alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/probes/-live-
default-server inter 10s downinter 5s
server repo0 "${active}:8080/" check fall 2 rise 4
server repo1 "${passive}:8080/" check backup fall 5 rise 2
{active} and {passive} are environment variables pointing to the active and the passive node.
This works great so far that all traffic is routed to the active node, and nothing to the passive node.
When I then kill the active node on purpose, haproxy realises this very quickly and all traffic gets routed to the passive node. But it then stopps checking the active node if it comes back. I don’t see any failed checks in the logs, it seems haproxy stopps checking all together.
When I then (after the active node is back) kill the passive node, haproxy states it has no backendservers available anymore and stopps working all together.
How can I configure haproxy to still do healthchecks and failback to the active after it is reachable again?