We are trying to, temporarily, route traffic at different backends based on a key’s value in requests body, haproxy.conf and lua script are following.
The problem is that payload could not be processed by json package used. Error message:
Lua sample-fetch 'choose_backend': runtime error: /etc/haproxy/json.lua:185: unexpected character 'P' at line 1 col 1 from [C] global 'error', /etc/haproxy/json.lua:185 upvalue 'decode_error', /etc/haproxy/json.lua:383 upvalue 'parse', /etc/haproxy/json.lua:391 field 'decode', /etc/haproxy/test.lua:4 C function line 2.
We tried to print payload (with both print() and trx.log()) or find exact txn.req:dup() returned value structure in documentation but both could not be found anywhere. Any guidance on how to print payload or if there is any other error?
global log /dev/log local0 log /dev/log local1 notice debug chroot /var/lib/haproxy stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin expose-fd listeners stats timeout 30s user haproxy group haproxy daemon lua-load /etc/haproxy/test.lua defaults log global mode http option httplog option dontlognull timeout connect 5000 timeout client 50000 timeout server 50000 frontend http-in bind *:80 option http-buffer-request use_backend %[lua.choose_backend] backend proxy_1_backend option httpchk GET / server ser1 maxconn 45 check backend proxy_2_backend option httpchk GET / server ser2 maxconn 45 check
-- load json library from https://github.com/rxi/json.lua json = loadfile("/etc/haproxy/json.lua")() core.register_fetches("choose_backend", function(txn) -- get request's payload local payload = txn.req:dup() -- transform json to lua table local request_json = json.decode(payload) if request_json.test_key == 111 then return "proxy_1_backend" else return "proxy_2_backend" end end)
test requests
# Request should be forwarded to proxy_2_backend curl -vvv -XPOST -d '{"test_key": 222, "someother_key": 222}' http://localhost # Request should be forwarded to proxy_1_backend curl -vvv -XPOST -d '{"test_key": 111, "someother_key": 222}' http://localhost