Upgrading from sources to haproxy 2.5

Please help me i need to upgrade from haproxy 2.2.11 (installed from sources) unde centos
to haproxy 2.5 (also from sources)
Should i make uninstall beforehand old version or i can trry install haproxy 2.5 from
sources nevertheless of an existing installation

how to check if any pitfalls may come out
how to check the same config should work with old settings or some settings will not work
Any help please who already did it on existing system with zero-time stop


first of all, you have to check the release notes to see if any changes could broke your config.

After that maybe you can try your config in docker env.

Regarding the build, i would test in preprod or dev env before trying to do it in prod. I’m not really into building from source, but you should be able to build in a build directory before replacing the current bin with the new one.