Wordpress site behind HAProxy

I’ve been using HAProxy for basic redirections since many months now, with one domain name.

What I want achieve now is to setup another redirection for a second domain name toward my Wordpress site.
Here’s a high level schema of what I want:
I’ve been looking all over the web for weeks now, but I found nothing relevant so far.
And specifically for the Worpdress site, I think I need extra “rules”, a bit like for the guacamole already in place. The ideal would be that my Wordpress site (locally reacheable at http://host2/wordpress) would be visible outsite at http(s)://(www.)monsite.be

My current Haproxy.cfg

I’m available to discuss this, even with a share screen if needed.


Hi there,

I managed to make it work… almost.
The only (I hope) remaining thing that does not work is the css in worpress.

Any suggestion ???


Use the developer console in either firefox or chrome and load the page. Are there any network or other errors?