I have a basic haproxy running on my machine just trying to forward any traffic to a web server running on the same machine (port 9000). This works correctly on localhost, but not for any other devices. I have tried to connect via netcat and a browser on three different networks. The connection always times out (but is not refused like it is for other ports). Nmapping the port from the machine running haproxy shows it is open, shows it is ‘filtered’ in scans from other devices.
The configuration file is a trimmed version of the one on this page. Looks like this:
mode http
timeout connect 10000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend http-in
bind *:9050
default_backend websockets_support
backend websockets_support
server ws1
This is a work computer (mac) with certain security configurations. I am going to try running a similar proxy on my own linux machine when I get home tonight. In the meantime, if anyone else has dealt with this problem, I would appreciate some help. I am doubtful that it is security configurations since there is not a connection refused, just a timeout.