Deny access for HAProxy VIP address

I need HAProxy to respond with a deny whenever the end user types in the HAProxy VIP into the browser. What is happening instead, is the end user is presented with the first ACL in the list, thus getting a wrong SSL cert, etc. This is very similar to Do not allow visits on haproxy IP address - Server Fault but that solution does not appear to be working for HTTPS.

Here is the config I’m testing:

frontend front_https
    bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/
    option forwardfor except

    # ACLs
    use_backend backend_api if { hdr(host) -i api-test.neatodomain.lan }
    use_backend backend_anotherapi if { hdr(host) -i anotherapi-test.neatodomain.lan }

    # All other map to default
    default_backend backend_default

# default backend
backend backend_default
    http-request deny deny_status 403

# api-test.neatodomain.lan
backend backend_api
    server api-01 api1-test.neatodomain.lan:443 ssl verify none sni str(api-test.neatodomain.lan) check-sni api-test.neatodomain.lan check
    server api-02 api2-test.neatodomain.lan:443 ssl verify none sni str(api-test.neatodomain.lan) check-sni api-test.neatodomain.lan check backup

# anotherapi-test.neatodomain.lan
backend backend_anotherapi
    server anotherapi-01 anotherapi1-test.neatodomain.lan:443 ssl verify none sni str(anotherapi-test.neatodomain.lan) check-sni anotherapi-test.neatodomain.lan check
    server anotherapi-02 anotherapi2-test.neatodomain.lan:443 ssl verify none sni str(anotherapi-test.neatodomain.lan) check-sni anotherapi-test.neatodomain.lan check backup

Normal access to https://api-test.neatodomain.lan and https://anotherapi-test.neatodomain.lan work as expected, and HAProxy presents the proper SSL cert, and Apache displays the proper API page. The issue comes when the user visits which is the VIP for HAProxy. Instead of getting the deny_status 403, the end user is getting the browser warning for bad SSL domain, and the cert it is presenting is for api-test.neatodomain.lan.

What is the proper config to get the default_backend to respond?

Always happens…I troubleshoot an issue for a few hours, throw in the towel and post on the forums for some help, and then search a little more and find the solution. I think the proper fix is to tell HAProxy to not pass a deny, but a silent-drop instead.

So I changed:

# default backend
backend backend_default
    http-request deny deny_status 403


# default backend
backend backend_default
    http-request silent-drop

Hopefully that’s the correct solution, as it does appear to be working. Makes sense as well, because otherwise the browser still gets the SSL warning, because HAProxy is still trying to respond with a 403. Instead, just drop it and be done with it :slight_smile:

strict-sni is what you want.