HAproxy configuration


I am facing problem to setup HAproxy when it is needed for different directories in URL to reach different backend systems. So, what is needed is when enter

www.evaplus.com/drs -> to access backend system

Setting I have is following:

acl host_www hdr_beg(host) -i www.evaplus.com
acl drs_hostname path_beg /drs
use_backend backend_drs if host_www drs_hostname
backend backend_drs
mode http
server backend_drs

When I try to reach above url with ‘/drs’ , it is not possible.
What is wrong with this setting?

Thank you!

If i’m not mistaking acl’s are evaluated in order meaning host_www hdr_beg(host) -i www.evaplus.com will be evaluated before acl drs_hostname path_beg /drs.

A simple move of the two rules should solve your problem.

Kind regards,

Thank you erland.

I am not sure that I understand how did you mean to move 2 rules.
I did it in following way:

acl drs_hostname path_beg /drs
acl host_www hdr_beg(host) -i www.evaplus.com
use_backend backend_drs if drs_hostname host_www
backend backend_drs
mode http
server backend_drs

but still does not work. Still cannot reach www.evaplus.com/drs
If you meant differently, would you please give me right order I should put the rules.

Thank you!

Can you post your complete config please?

log local0 debug
# log /var/log local0 info
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
# user haproxy
# group haproxy
maxconn 2000

log global
mode tcp
option tcplog
option dontlognull
timeout connect 500000
timeout client 500000
timeout server 500000

userlist hasler
group adm users admin
user admin insecure-password Hasler3018


frontend web
mode http
bind *:80
# Define ACL based on host names
acl c2c_hostname hdr(host) -i c2c.evaplus.com
acl multi_hostname hdr(host) -i haslerrail.evaplus.com
acl c2c_ip hdr(host) -i

    acl host_www hdr_beg(host) -i www.evaplus.com
    acl ussugar_hostname hdr(host) -i ussugar.evaplus.com
    acl adl_hostname hdr(host) -i adl.evaplus.com
    acl nor_hostname hdr(host) -i nor.evaplus.com
    acl int_hostname hdr(host) -i int.evaplus.com
    acl drs_hostname path_beg /drs
    # Default Route to normal backends
    use_backend backend_ussugar if ussugar_hostname
    use_backend backend_adl if adl_hostname
    use_backend backend_nor if nor_hostname
    use_backend backend_int if int_hostname
    use_backend backend_drs if drs_hostname host_www

default_backend backend_sales

backend backend_c2c
mode http
server backend_c2c check
server backend_test check backup

backend backend_ussugar
mode http
server backend_ussugar

backend backend_adl
balance roundrobin
mode http
server backend_adl check
server backend_adl1 check

backend backend_nor
mode http
server backend_nor

backend backend_int
mode http
server backend_int

backend backend_drs
mode http
server backend_drs

Here it is, more or less.
The problem we are having is that , for each application in backed we would use different subdomain, like:

acl adl_hostname hdr(host) -i adl.evaplus.com
acl nor_hostname hdr(host) -i nor.evaplus.com
acl int_hostname hdr(host) -i int.evaplus.com

Now, we are running out of free subdomains in evaplus.com domain we reserved.
That is why we want to make routing where will not use subdomain for each backend we need to reach.

I understood from documentation that it should work with

acl drs_hostname path_beg /drs
acl host_www hdr_beg(host) -i www.evaplus.com
use_backend backend_drs if host_www drs_hostname

but, something is not ok.

Thank you!

Hi Miroslav,

I understand now.
Keep in mind that haproxy will proxy all incoming packets for <whatever_site>/drs to
HAProxy will proxy, dut will not rewrite the url.


Hi erland,

I expect when enter, in my case www.evaplus.com/drs HAproxy to reach - This is where my tomcat is running. (not I also expect that condition,

use_backend backend_drs if host_www drs_hostname

will provide this.
Or do you have an idea what I should put differently in order proxy to reach only when someone enter www.evaplus.com/drs

Thank you!