HAProxy don't redirect port 10051 traffic to kubernetes clusters

Hi friends,

I have a communication problem between Zabbix Proxy and Zabbix Server at port 10051. I’m using HAPROXY version 2.0.13. Look my Kubernetes scenario:

HAPROXY is working fine when I access my website zabbix.domain.com at port 80 and 443.

Zabbix-Proxy has a parameter “Server” that I set with ip address of worker-1 and the communication works fine, but this happen because the traffic don’t pass through HAPROXY server. When I try to set the Server parameter with my domain address zabbix.domain.com that go to my HAPROXY server, the communication dont work, give the impression that HAPROXY cant treat the request.

zabbix_proxy.conf: Work with Worker-1 ip addr, but dont work with domain name.

The domain name as I said, is pointing to HAPROXY server ( I think the zabbix-proxy is trying to reach the port 10051 of HAPROXY server and the HAPROXY can’t deal with the requests to forward to my worker node.

This is my HAPROXY configuration, I test with frontend and backend, but now, I just rewrite with Listen parameter.

listen zabbix
    mode tcp
    bind :10051
    option forwardfor
    server worker-1 check
    server worker-1 check
    server worker-1 check

frontend http_front
    mode tcp
    bind *:80
    default_backend http_back

frontend https_front
    mode tcp
    bind *:443
    default_backend https_back

frontend kubernetes
        mode tcp
        bind *:6443
        option tcplog
        default_backend kubernetes-master-nodes

listen stats
        bind :9000
        mode http
        stats enable
        stats hide-version 
        stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
        stats uri /haproxy_stats 
        stats auth admin:admin

backend kubernetes-master-nodes
        mode tcp
        balance roundrobin
        option tcp-check
        option forwardfor
        server master-0 check fall 3 rise 2

backend http_back
        mode tcp
        option tcp-check
        option log-health-checks
        default-server inter 10s fall 2
        server worker-0 send-proxy check
        server worker-1 send-proxy check
        server worker-2 send-proxy check

backend https_back
        mode tcp
        option tcp-check
        option log-health-checks
        default-server inter 10s fall 2
        server worker-0 send-proxy check
        server worker-1 send-proxy check
        server worker-2 send-proxy check

Someone can help? There are some manner to point to my website zabbix.domain.com, the haproxy treat the request send to my worker-1 in port 10051? Please tell me If need more information.