I am happily using haproxy 2.0.17 (also happens with 2.0.19) with quite such configuration:
pidfile haproxy.pid
log log.sck local0
log global
mode http
option httplog
timeout queue 60s
timeout server 600s
timeout client 600s
timeout connect 5s
retries 3
frontend http-backend
bind <ip>:41080
acl is_<N> hdr_reg(host) -i ^<N>.example.com($|:.*)
use_backend <N>-http if is_<N>
backend <N>-http
timeout server 600s
timeout connect 5s
retries 3
server backend ip:v6:port ssl verify none
Where I have N about 3000 configurations.
It works pretty well ~99,995% of time, but sometimes haproxy replies with TCP FIN to proper HTTP GET from a client on a long lasting connection, on which before it responded a lot with proper reply, see:
This requires the client to reconnect (and for now this is how I workarounded it on client side, by retrying connection when lost).
In the log file for this source port I only find quite correct entries, and none related to the problem I have: [07/Jan/2021:13:02:00.837] haproxy A-http/backend 0/0/222/57/279 304 154 - - ---- 29/3/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /REDACTED/ HTTP/1.1" [07/Jan/2021:13:02:02.565] haproxy B-http/backend 0/0/3/378/381 200 5044 - - ---- 29/3/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /REDACTED/ HTTP/1.1" [07/Jan/2021:13:02:03.984] haproxy C-http/backend 0/0/218/168/386 304 154 - - ---- 29/3/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /REDACTED/ HTTP/1.1" [07/Jan/2021:13:02:05.927] haproxy D-http/backend 0/0/350/56/406 304 154 - - ---- 29/3/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /REDACTED/ HTTP/1.1" [07/Jan/2021:13:02:07.229] haproxy E-http/backend 0/0/217/55/272 304 154 - - ---- 29/3/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /REDACTED/ HTTP/1.1" [07/Jan/2021:13:02:10.614] haproxy F-http/backend 0/0/100/78/178 304 96 - - ---- 29/3/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /REDACTED/ HTTP/1.1"
So, is it possible that source of this TCP FIN is not haproxy itself? Or shall I look in some other place?
If needed I can try to reproduce this problem with any given version or additional debugging configuration.