I wanted to know if haproxy supported udp because I’m a bit confused. I notice that on the site of you haproxy that loadbalancer udp is checked and in the forums I notice that udp is managed only at the level of syslog that’s all.
I’d like to have more explanations on this.
I confirm udp load balancing only works for syslog:
- 'udp@' -> address is resolved as IPv4 or IPv6 and
protocol UDP is used. Currently those listeners are
supported only in log-forward sections.
Thanks, ok so I’ll try to use another solution.
upd loadbalancing is only supported in the enterprise versions not in the community/opensource version
You can use Linux Virtual Server LVS for UDP, its built into the linux kernel and is very reliable.
But you’ll need to pair it with Keepalived or Ldirectord for health checks.
Which for the record is exactly what HAPEE uses as well:
Also see:
(Disclaimer: I work for HAProxy)
HAProxy Enterprise 2.9+ supports UDP load balancing with a native module (not via LVS). HAProxy ALOHA appliances support UDP via LVS, but will have the same native UDP module soon.
- Documentation: Load balance UDP with HAProxy Enterprise | HAProxy Enterprise
- UDP solution information: HAProxy UDP Load Balancing Solutions
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