Since the commit here:;a=commit;h=30ee1efe676e8264af16bab833c621d60a72a4d7
…which added the protocol to the %[url] variable, the previous haproxy 1.8 configs I had working no longer function on v2.2(.2).
I’m looking for a suggestion of how best to complete both a redirect from http to https and a naked domain to www in a single line.
Previously this was accomplished as follows under v1.8 and worked well:
http-request set-var(req.scheme) str(https)
http-request redirect code 301 location %[var(req.scheme)]://[url] if { hdr(host) -i }
For v1.8, a user browsing to
is successfully redirected to
However on v2.2 the same implementation of %[url]
results in the user getting: https://www.domainname.comhttps//
What variables should be referenced to accomplish this?