I wonder that connection lost occur or not (seamless, graceful or not)
- when a existing server disappears at a A record from DNS discovery
- when a new server appears at a A record from DNS discovery
I tested them found that there is no connection lost.
But I still wonder it’s really seamless and how it works.
However it is hard to find their answer at document HAProxy version 2.5-dev0 - Configuration Manual. It looks there is no answer about below questions, at the document.
When a existing server disappears or a new server appears at a A record from DNS discovery, HAProxy process reloads its configure?
If it’s not, HAProxy process just modify its ip from a A record, like echo "set server address" | socat stdio /var/run/hapee-lb.sock
? If then, set server address
is always seamless?
- DNS discovery does not use reloads.
- Yes, that’s a good comparison, the DNS discovery updates the server similarly to how a
set server address
would update the IP address.
The important thing is: the list of configured servers in a backend is only used for new connections, established connections (or in HTTP mode in flight transactions) are never interrupted, because the routing decision is only made once.
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Thank you so much again. 
Then although the list of configured servers are updated through set server address
, established connections at a server on outdated backend can close gracefully because they are never interrupted.
Is it correct?
Yes correct.
There are differences between HTTP mode (this applies to a HTTP transaction, since there is no 1:1 connection relationships) and TCP mode (this applies to an actual connection - since there is a 1:1 releationship between a connection on the frontend and a connection on the backend), but the point is that the client will not be see anything surprising, only you use “stop/restart” commands (killing haproxy) or use something like shutdown session
on the admin socket.
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I see. I appreciate your reply!
- although there is difference of 1:1 connection in HTTP mode and TCP mode, connections are not lost at Two modes when DNS remove a server in A record. is it correct?
- You mean at HTTP mode, each http connection is handled by
connection pool and there is no 1:1 connection relations?
- Could you explain the words
only you use “stop/restart” commands (killing haproxy) or use something like
shutdown session on the admin socket.
? It mean the client only notice when the haproxy stop/restart or shutdown session?
No client will never notice anything, everything is gracefully handled in a reload or DNS update situation. Only if you stop, restart or shutdown a session manually on the admin socket will the client be disconnected and the in flight data interrupted.
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I understand. Thanks for your detailed explanation!