Simple URL redirect


I have a strange issue with haproxy (version 2.2). Any help is welcome
I would redirect URL given par users to one of URL backend servers thro round robin algorithm
For example
User put, so HAProxy will change the URL by one of the backend servers, for example

the apache section work fine as needed
but for Ngnix side the same config doesn’t work. I have to add " http-request redirect code 301 location " but I lose in this case the availability check of my ngnix servers.
so users users may come across URL that don’t work
I know that this use case is not very frequent on Haproxy

bind :80
mode http
balance roundrobin
option forwardfor
option http-server-close
http-send-name-header Host
description Apache Cluster HTTPS
server apache_svr01 xx.xx.xx.xx:2443 check ssl verify none
server apache_svr02 xx.xx.xx.xx:2443 check ssl verify none
server apache_svr03 xx.xx.xx.xx:2443 check ssl verify none

bind :80
mode http
balance roundrobin
option forwardfor
option http-server-close
http-send-name-header Host
http-request redirect code 301 location https://nginx0%[rand(3),add(1)]
description Ngnix Cluster HTTPS
server ngnix_svr01 xx.xx.xx.xx:3443 check ssl verify none
server ngnix_svr02 xx.xx.xx.xx:3443 check ssl verify none
server ngnix_svr03 xx.xx.xx.xx:3443 check ssl verify none
