Ssl termination for docker pull

Hi I try to do ssl termination on haproxy.
when I run docker pull haproxyserver:9000/path/path:xxx I had
Error response from daemon: Get https://haproxyserver:9000/(..): http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
so I created a certificate. I copied ca.crt file to /etc/docker/certs.d/haproxyserver:9083 and pem file on the haproxyserver
now I got another error
Error response from daemon: Get https://haproxyserver:9000/(...): no basic auth credentials

My configuration:

        bind *:9000 ssl crt /path_to_pem_file/haproxy.pem
        default_backend port_9000

backend port_9000
        server opscluster01 opscluster01:9083 check

What am I missing, Please help.