Upgrading from 2.0.13 to 2.4.10

My company is currently using HAProxy 2.0.13 (from Ubuntu repository).

Since latest HAProxy (just released last month) is 2.5, we think HAProxy 2.0.13 is a bit “long in the tooth”. Also, (claimed) performance improvements of 2.1 seems to be a ‘nice to have’.

But due to the ‘newness’ of 2.5, it’s not yet available in HAProxy’s ppa; but the latest in the 2.4 line (i.e., 2.4.10) is available. So we figure we’re going to upgrade to 2.4.10 instead.

My questions:

  • Is it true that HAProxy 2.1 (and by extension 2.4.10) has better performance than 2.0?
  • Is there any ‘gotchas’ I need to be aware of upgrading from 2.0 to 2.4?

The PPA for 2.5 is there:

But for production you should use 2.4, because 2.4 is a LTS release and will be supported for years to come, while 2.5 is not. Also using a .0 release is probably not a good idea anyway.

See haproxy.org

That is certainly true as tons of improvements have gone into it. Whether or not you feel a big difference will depend on a number of variables.

You can read the release announcements for the .0 releases here:


But you will have to test it properly, there is no way around that.